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Asset Management

Asset management is the main activity of SZ & Partners and of which it has specific know-how, thanks to the long experience and continuous training of its managers in the field.


The client's assets are kept in an account at a custodian bank of his or her choice, and on which SZ & Partners can operate through an administrative power of attorney that allows only investment instructions, explicitly excluding asset dispositions.


Management is carried out with a very personalized and individual approach for each client, based on different risk profiles, time horizons and different financial and personal situations. With an approach that aims to combine professionalism, insight and the ability to listen to the client, SZ & Partners' management differs significantly from the classic "packages" offered by banking institutions. ¨


SZ & Partners' management focuses on capital preservation without sacrificing attractive returns, thanks to international investments and in different asset classes, while maintaining an essential and simple approach.

Whole Portfolio Consulting

For professional and institutional clients, SZ & Partners offers an advisory service on the client's entire portfolio. Making use of specific computer applications, it proposes in-depth portfolio analysis (profitability, risk, etc.) and extensive reporting at a consolidated level, also grouping assets administered by third parties.

Other services

By partnering with major international banking groups and qualified outside professionals, SZ & Partners can facilitate its clients' access to specific advice on tax, inheritance, corporate or insurance matters.

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